Tuesday, April 6, 2010

AT&T's $150 Customer Service Blunder

ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED ON APRIL 6, 2010 (on a blog hosting site that's not very friendly about exporting their data)

Excuse me while I shake my head to make sure that I’ve read this right.  AT&T, blasted regularly in the news and on blogs far and wide with complaints about their lousy network coverage and underestimated data capacity (largely due to the runaway success of the iPhone) has a solution at hand and is ignoring it.  No, check that, they’re not ignoring it… they’re saying that they’ve got it and don’t want to use it. 

Their solution,  the recently announced availability of a long-awaited device which would vastly improve coverage while simultaneously offloading traffic from their network onto a channel that they don’t even pay for, will be squandered and barely taken up by the very people that need it most – and who are probably complaining the loudest about dropped calls and busy networks.

How is this possible?  Could a corporation smart enough to get an exclusive distribution agreement for the iPhone and to let Apple, a company known for its marketing genius, take the lead in marketing it, really be this stupid?  It appears so.  Here’s why…